Do you ever wonder where all these drugs are obtained?.
In ancient times people used crud drugs obtained from the trees and herbs for the treatment of diseases. They crushed some leaves or roots of some plants and swallowed it or made them as powder and applied to some body parts etc without knowing which compound inside that crude drug produces the desired effect. In those times their major sources of drugs were trees and herbs, that is why the term drug is derived from the French word ‘drogue’ which means dried herb.
When time passed we found different sources of drugs like plant sources, animal sources and mineral sources. When different pharmaceutical technologies developed we identified the active compounds from the crude drugs, then we separated them and used them as medicines. Then we found microbiological sources of drugs, such as some bacterias or fungi that produce useful substances like antibiotics. By the improvement of different chemical techniques we developed synthetic and semi synthetic sources of drugs by altering chemical structure of naturally obtained drugs.
In modern days more pure and effective drugs are produced by the development of biotechnological sources of drugs.
We can discuss different sources of drugs with examples
Different sources of drugs
- Plant sources
- Animal sources
- Mineral sources
- Microbiologic sources
- Semisynthetic and synthetic sources
- Biotecnologia sources.

- Plant Sources
Plant sources are the important natural sources of drugs. They are widely used throughout the history of mankind. Some systems of medicines like Ayurveda, Unani are mostly depending on these sources.
Almost all parts of the plants are used as drugs.
- Digoxin and digitoxin are obtained from the leaves of the plant Digitalis Purpurea, which is used as cardiac glycosides.
- Atropine is obtained from Atropa belladonna, which is an anticholinergic drug
- Anthracene is an alkaloid obtained from senna pods, which is used as a laxative to treat constipation
- Morphine is obtained from flowers of Papaver somniferum, which is an opioid analgesic
- Vincristine and vinblastine are obtained from flowers of Vinca rosea, they are used as anti cancer drugs.
- Reserpine is obtained from Rauwolfia serpentina, which is used as an antihypertensive drug
- Cinchona bark gives quinine and quinidine, which are used as anti malarial drugs
Read more: Drugs from plants
- Animal sources
Drugs obtained from animal sources include whole animals, organs ( eg. thyroid organ ), organ extracts ( eg. liver extract ), polypeptide venoms, non-peptide toxins etc.
- Insulin is obtained from pancreas of cows
- Cod Liver oil is obtained from the livers of cod fishes like Atlantic cods and Pacific cods
- Sheep thyroid is a source of thyroid hormone
- Some vaccines are prepared using animal blood
- Pituitary gonadotropins are obtained from anterior pituitary of animals, which is used for the treatment of infertility
- Human chorionic gonadotropins are obtained from the urine of pregnant women.
- Mineral sources
Different types of minerals are also used as drugs. They include metallic and non metallic substances. Deficiency of some minerals leads to some diseases.
- Iron is used in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia
- Zinc is used as an immunity enhancer in common colds, infections, asthma etc. Zinc oxide paste is also used in diaper rash, skin irritations, minor wounds etc
- Mercurial sats are used in the treatment of syphilis. Mercurous compound known as calomel is also used as diuretic, antiseptic, in the treatment of vitiligo etc
- Iodine is used to treat iodine deficiency. Iodine compounds are also used as antiseptics
- Gold salts are used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
- Fluorine used in the prevention and treatment of tooth cavities and plaques and in some gum diseases
- Borax is an antiseptic
- Selenium sulfide is used in anti dandruff shampoos
- Synthetic and semi synthetic sources
Most of the drugs used now in modern medicine are derived from synthetic or semisynthetic sources.
In case of semi-synthetic drugs chemical modifications are carried out to the compounds obtained from the natural sources, without altering the nucleus of the compound.
Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Apomorphine, Diacetylmorphine, ethinyl estradiol etc.
In the case of synthetic drugs both nucleus and chemical structure of the compounds obtained from natural sources are altered to produce more effective and useful compounds.
Sulphonamides, aspirin, acetaminophen, Emetine bismuth iodide
- Microbiological sources
Micro organisms such as bacteria and fungi are an important source of drugs nowadays. They produce a lot of compounds having antimicrobial properties which helps in the treatment of infections.
- Penicillins are produced by a fungus, Penicillium notatum
- Aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, cephalosporins, chloramphenicol are all produced from bacterias
- Lovastatines are produced from some fungi
- Ciclosprines are produced by fermentation of fungi Trichoderma polysporum
- Biotecnologia sources
Biotechnology is the technology that uses living organisms, systems, and processes for the manufacture of products, which improve quality of human life. In recent years a large number of drugs and pharmaceuticals are developed using biotechnology. Different techniques used in biotechnology include
- Recombinant DNA technology ( genetic engineering )
- Plant tissue culture
- Genetically modified organisms ( Trans genetics )
Human insulin, Human growth hormone, Alfa interferon,
Etanercept, Rituximab, Bevacizumab,
Drugs used in the modern world are obtained from different sources of drugs. In earlier periods we depended on natural sources of drugs like plant sources, animal sources and mineral sources. Development of other sources of drugs like synthetic and semisynthetic sources and biotechnology helped to produce more potent, pure and effective medicines for the improvement of human life.
Read more:
- Natural sources of drugs: Drugs from plants
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